I spent some time Friday and today researching how to make this efficient and effective. I think Blogger will work best because it is easy to use, secure, and all kids already have accounts. One thing they were looking for is a way to separate posts by class period. There is no way to have multiple pages in a blog all be "blog" pages. The only way to separate posts in any way is to create a page that links to a label. So, I created a page in the blog called "4th Period" and had it point to the url http://practiceblog87654.blogspot.com/search/label/4th, (name of the blog, label). This is a way to sort posts by certain labels. You can also separate them by clicking on the little label link on the sidebar.
I did some test posts and spent a little time customizing the look. Here is the result so far....
I emailed Kerry and Christine and am waiting to hear back on their thoughts :)